the uncharted waters

full natal chart exploration

In this reading: I will take a look at your natal chart, (tropical astrology) and the associated sabian symbols, to offer you insight into some of the abilities you may consider utilizing in the present or the future. We’ll explore your chart through the overarching themes, your gifts, challenges you may encounter throughout your lifetime, and more.

These readings generally come out to 10-20 hours in length and every bit of it is made specifically for you.

We’ll explore your:

  • Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

  • Chiron (the wounded healer), your North and South nodes, and your 4 major chart angles (MC, IC, DC, and AC)

  • Additional asteroids, objects, and planetary bodies in your chart. Different planetary bodies will be more relevant for each person. Examples of these are Haumea, Sedna, Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athene/a, Vesta, and Salacia.

  • Major transits that have happened for you and will happen in the future, with dates.

  • Your progressed chart.

  • Dipping into evolutionary astrology.

  • Key Sabian Symbols as indicated by your chart.

If you have specific questions or topics you would like me to focus on, please send me an email at after booking and let me know.

This will be a series of multiple, custom, pre-recorded audio/video messages grouped by planet and theme in your chart.

You have the option to schedule 2 follow-up sessions with me to ask any questions or for further insight + exploration. I ask that you wait at least a week after listening to your reading before meeting with me, if possible.

This offering includes:
– Pre-recorded audio/video messages that serve as a deep dive into your natal chart (10-20 hours of content on average)
– Document with notes on your chart, your reading, photos of any cards I pull for you, and any relevant links and recommendations
– Optional follow-up calls with me (up to 2)

After booking, you will begin to receive your readings within 2 weeks.

To book this series of readings, contact me at

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